
#8 Some very interesting words by Prof. D. Harvey at OccupyLSX. He lists the problems we face and some possible ways of beginning to sort them out. I was worried at first that the Occupy movement would amount to a mix-mash of vague ideas with no clear aim, but when I look at the level of discussion here, it seems that we're moving in the right direction. We must not be co-opted by capital.
18/11/2011 00:51
#7 Einstein on the ends of capitalism. "..an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society."
30/10/2011 22:05
#6 bB-vYuYhdSE. "My mind never closed like Guantanamo Bay."
20/9/2011 23:06
#5 Time flies. If I've learned anything so far, it's that you should just enjoy yourself. Self-evident, maybe. But you can't really know this for certain until something rams it home for you. Tomorrow isn't certain for a number of reasons, but none of them will persuade you. You have to find it out yourself. After that, you can't waste your time.
14/9/2011 00:24
#4 Reading about 'debt slavery' and the way money is created today is particularly mind-blowing. The fact that so few people understand the banking system is now quite obvious: it's not because it's boring or complex (though it might seem that way), it's rather that the people who run it would much rather you didn't know. That's not to say the truth isn't out there to find. It is, because I've recently read it myself (but I'm by no means an expert). This is no conspiracy, of the kind I mentioned in #3, but it has all the trappings of one. The shoddy video explaining it. The quiet opposition (books on monetary reform that I've never heard of). The feeling that it couldn't possibly be true because it'd be too ridiculous. And the problem of trying to educate people about it who just dismiss it out of hand. This is a huge problem, and certainly not a recent one. One day the bubble will bust. The people will take control again.
02/03/2011 23:39
#3 Conspiracy theories are complex. It's easy to just reject them as the babbling of buffoons, though almost as easy to get sucked in and agree; adding up their points and drawing the same conclusion. The problem is that thinking this way is circular. Because once you've got the idea of the conspiracy set in your mind, anyone attempting to pull you away from it, or disprove it, is automatically part of the conspiracy or has some interest in keeping it going. For example, conspiracies regarding 11/9/2001 abound online, and so do amusing rebuttals. I wonder if the people behind such plans execute them safe in the knowledge that anyone who discovers the truth will be seen by the majority as 'conspiracy theorists' and therefore somehow deluded. A conspiracy theory can never then be fully rebuked or proved correct.
24/2/2011 23:35
#2 Before me lies anything I could possibly want to know. And yet I refresh the same old pages. Is it over-stimulation or over-saturation? I think I have just spent too long on the internet. Alot of time and not much to show for it. As I write this the internet is, on the whole, free. I am free to read a page hosted in Mongolia or Venezuela. Free to use any port I choose to connect to any active IP address. I hope this freedom lasts forever as it is one of the founding ideas of the internet. If 'net neutrality' is lost, then I'll lament the time I wasted hitting F5.
22/2/2011 19:36
#1 Thought is a word that is basically the same in modern English as it was in the Old. Žoht.
22/2/2011 18:37
#0 Today I thought I'd start a 'thought' page. A page where I can write things occasionally. Hopefully it will make running this httpd almost worth the cpu cycles. Sort of like Twitter, but more 1997 in style. The HTML probably won't conform to the w3 standards and the page will look bad. But it will contain some things I felt like writing. I emphasise the writing part because I don't think anyone will read it. Maybe thats's for the best.
22/2/2011 18:23
aNthraXx 2011